Harmony - Brings You Closer to Nature

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Opening Reception Picture

“Fall Tree”

The fall tree welcomes us into the warmth of its majestic red canopy.  We are called to sit under its branches and watch the gentle wind reshape its profile.  It is a call that our ancestors responded to before us.  Throughout time, the fall tree has given its beauty to the world.  Being with the tree provides more than a feeling of oneness with nature.  This domicile offers us protection and safety.  It connects us with our inner self and our family foundations.   Loneliness is forgotten.

As you discern each piece of the mural can you find the shape of the leaf or the shade of red that calls to you?

“Yellow Flowers”

Harmony and happiness abound in this painting of yellow flowers.  The beauty of each flower showcasing its magnificent yellow hue overwhelms the senses and invites us into a moment of happiness.  Savor the moment.  Delight in each flower.

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“Koi Pond”

In this jade pool you will find a lush garden floating atop its surface.  The pond springs forth life abundant above and below its surface.   As your eyes scan this beautiful waterscape, you experience a sense of movement in “Koi Pond.”

Watch Koi Pond 3D animation

“Storm – Before and After”

The sky tells us a storm is stirring in the distance.  You can scarcely take in the activity of the expansive landscape above the earth.  The clouds begin their transformation. The wind fuels their path.  To fully experience its force and magnificence you instinctively give your troubles and worries to the sky.  With your mind emptied you embrace the openness and allow the storm to consume what it has been fed.  The storm washes the earth and makes new the path for light.

“Bamboo Song”

Listen to the bamboo’s song
It is born of rocky ground, cruel earth
From its birth the bamboo is called to flourish
Even from a cliff the bamboo roots itself tight
The bamboo turns its head to the sun
Upward to the sky it grows straight, oriental elegance
The wind cannot sway the bamboo from its destiny
Happy the man who lives the bamboo song.

To purchase or place an offer please contact Mah at (507) 429-5552 or email:clmah01@hotmail.com